Real Talk | Health Over Beauty

Real Talk | Health Over Beauty

I don’t look at weight loss as a as a beauty thing. I don’t care how much weight you want to lose to look good in a bathing suit. I just don’t care. This is all about health. Now, if that low weight that you’re maintaining makes you look good in a bathing suit. I’m glad for you.
I’m more worried about the consequences of your weight, 20, 30, 40 years from now. Because trust me, it’s a whole lot harder when you’re 60 years old to get this weight off than when you’re 20. And the reason why time is against us. I don’t have the energy I used to have when I was 20 years old. I cannot stay up until two or 3:00 in the morning, get 3 hours of sleep and start this whole thing all over again.
I have lost my endurance, and it’s much harder to lose weight.
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